Do You Need An Asset Investigation?
Asset investigations are performed to locate public records that confirm personal property or real estate held by people or corporate entities. Asset searches uncover value and potential liabilities that may be tied to a property or person. Asset investigations are conducted on a daily basis to help individuals or companies satisfy their due diligence, settle personal injury cases, collect debt, and/or verify financial statements during a divorce or child support case. If you own a business, an asset check can reveal the state of a person or company’s assets. If you work for a company or do business with someone, it is imperative to know the their assets. Conducting an asset investigation is the only way to determine if someone is financially trustworthy.
An asset investigation will help you determine whether you should go to court. If someone claims they cannot pay you, an asset investigation can confirm or deny this statement. Small claims courts or collection agencies need asset investigations to show how many collectible assets a person or a business may have. If you find yourself in a position where someone is not paying you because they claim they do not have the money, an asset investigation can confirm or deny these claims. Asset investigations give you the proof you need to show that someone or some company have assets that have not been declared.
Asset investigations may include background checks, computer investigations, surveillance, or financial investigations. Asset investigations determine assets someone or some company may have and how secure these assets are. Our asset investigations are conducted by our qualified, experienced private investigators who will find out whether a company or a person may be using a fictitious business name, committing fraud, hiding their assets, or judgments. Asset searches are conducted by attorneys, law firms, businesses, investors, human resource departments, private investigation agencies, government agencies, creditors, Professionals, spouses, or individuals.
- Real estate and deeds
- Mortgage information
- Corporate Filings
- Judgments
- Bankruptcies
- UCC Filings
- Contact information
- Vehicle Registration
- Federal and state tax liens
- Corporate associates
- Motor Vehicles
- Watercraft registration
- Aircraft registration
- A.K.A’s
- D.B.A’s
- Liabilities
- Bankruptcies
- Civil records search
- Criminal records search
- Missing person search